[introductory spiel about buildings]
Recent work
Taringa house and studio
Balmain house
Endeavour Gallery - James Cook Museum
Taringa speculative house
Brookfield house
Early houses
Addison house
Macleay Island house
Newmarket house
Papua New Guinea projects
PNG Coffee Industry Board office and warehouse
Raun Raun Theatre
Malahang Plantation house
Lutheran Church townhouses
Brisbane buildings
Hill House
Hassall Street
Res B R4 comic
Canberra projects
Burrundulla Gardens housing
Corryton Gardens
Tuggeranong Community Centre
International House
Taringa house and studio
Balmain house
Endeavour Gallery - James Cook Museum
Taringa speculative house
Brookfield house
Early houses
Addison house
Macleay Island house
Newmarket house
Papua New Guinea projects
PNG Coffee Industry Board office and warehouse
Raun Raun Theatre
Malahang Plantation house
Lutheran Church townhouses
Brisbane buildings
Hill House
Hassall Street
Res B R4 comic
Canberra projects
Burrundulla Gardens housing
Corryton Gardens
Tuggeranong Community Centre
International House